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You need this file later on to copy to your UI profile. Save also your public key with the “Save Pubilic Key”.You need this file later on to login to your machine. Save your private key at a secure spot (never share this file!) with the “Save Private Key”.It is possible to not use a passphrase, but this is not considered as good practice in terms of security. Repeat the same passphrase in the “Confirm passphrase” field. A passphrase is the same as a password, but in general it contains more characters. sgtatham putty download

Fill in a passphrase in the “Key passphrase” field.Move your pointer under the bar and move the mouse in this field until the bar is completely green.In the field “Type of key to generate”, please select “SSH-2 RSA”.PuTTYgen can be downloaded at or directly downloaded from. Edit on GitHub E-mail comments PuTTY tools Generate SSH key on Windows with PuTTYgenĪ way to generate a SSH key under Windows is with help of PutTTY-gen.

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