Download omniplan
Download omniplan

People with simple PM needs will probably enjoy OmniPlan, but for the same price there are better, more robust alternatives out there. For now, FastTrack Schedule and Merlin are clearly a better choice, and Merlin costs the same as OmniPlan 2. In terms of features and value I can't rate this higher that 2 stars.

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No problems with ease of use or stability. I tried the "Scale to Fit Project" option only to discover there's no Undo for this. Merlin offers an additional view (Net Plan). Merlin had a much cleaner view of the project, and this applies to Tasks or Activities, Resources, and Calendar. It did open the MPP file of the same project, and that was a bit quicker than Merlin.

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Merlin opened the file in about 2 seconds. Version 2.0.3 was unable to open a MS Project MPX file, both using File>Open and dragging the file to OmniPlan. "Also new and notable! We’re getting started on multi-project support." Fortunately, the Omni people addresed this issue in a recent () blog post: If asking a simple question resulted in frowny faces, no doubt my review will be unpopular among the fanboyz.

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